A new KALLISTONE partnership started in Holland ! We are pleased to welcome Nahum and Marc After the first learning session in the Headquarters of KALLISTONE France few month ago,...
First big pilot coming soon on a logistic plant of 180000m2 in Germany. With the help of Claire MENTZLER from GEOENERGIES & AQUAEVISION KALLISTONE Deutschland will launch soon a big...
The KALLISTONE International Team is present today on the event Idée Alsace in partnership with InnoEff at the Eurometropolis of Strasbourg to talk about Kallistone and energy efficiency
Application: Bakery ovens of E.LECLERC Superstore in KINGERSHEIM Total power: 235KW Results Achieved: 9.4% Bakery ovens of E.LECLERC Superstore in KINGERSHEIM have been equipped with optimization solutions KALLISTONE. Result: Reduction of the...
Application: Steam production of LAUNDRY at ROUFFACH Hospital - FRANCE Equipment : 2 semi-instant boilers BABCOCK WANSON VAP 600 R Rated power : 418.68 kW Steam production : 600 kg...
Application: Arconic Architectural Products Incinerator in MERXHEIM Total power: 2000KW Results Achieved: 7% Arconic Architectural Products, located in Merxheim, is an operational unit of Alcoa, the world leader in Aluminum. 107,000 employees...
Application: Natural Gas Cogeneration System for Urban Heating Total power: 34MW Results Achieved: 1.8% saving 15 000 € of gas / month Improved electrical efficiency measured: 0.5% Return on investment ROI : 9...
Application: Condo of 144 Properties - Kingersheim (68) France Total power: 920kW Results Achieved: 10% reduction in gas consumption Boiler output: 455kW + 295kW + 170kW After a pilot in...